Monday, June 30, 2008

100 Days

Today is Jay's 100 Days Birthday. We had the party here yesterday and family all showed up to help us celebrate. This morning he also got some more of his immunization shots, and was pretty grumpy and fussy earlier. He's doing much better now. Here are some recent pictures, including ones taken today. Enjoy...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Trying to stay cool

Jaydon and daddy sitting outside

Jaydon with grandma (who doesn't watch tv w/ both fists in their mount??)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Projects that never end

Stacy and Rick did some work on Saturday and Sunday to get the living room wall insulated for summer. We got a new window but will probably install that this weekend since we ran out of time last weekend (stupid delivery truck). Anyway, here are the before, during and after pictures...with a few of Jay at the end.
Paneling/drywall off
Jay supervising
Insulation in
Drywall back on...and I don't think I need to post the after since it looks exactly like the first picture. I will post a new pic. once the new window is in though.
Jay Friday (6/6)
Sunday (6/8)
Today, getting ready to head out and run some errands with mommy
Just now, he's tired from running all the errands!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Baby push ups

He doesn't like his tummy time, but here he is showing off. He can almost turn over and sits up better and better every day. He woke up more the last few nights but I'm hoping that is just a growth spurt, but how can he have a growth spurt if he's growing so fast??!


I cut my hair yesterday, and will be sending the pony tail to where they will make it into a wig for a child who is bald (from cancer). Every few years I cut it and donate what I can. This time I got 18 inches of hair to send and my hair is still pretty long. At the time of cutting it, it was down way past my waist and i was pretty much sitting on it. Now that Jay is grabbing things he can't pull as much of my hair as he was...

His 100 day, is coming up at the end of the month and we will be celebrating with a little party in the park. pictures will follow.