Monday, September 29, 2008


Taking Jay on vacation and fishing, we had to re learn how to do everything. I've never asked for a high chair so many times before (once for every meal). The nice thing was this whole trip was paid for, and we went up to Bishop in my favorite time of the year (FALL!) the colors were so amazing and just being there was great. Unfortunately I was either holding Jay or trying to get some fishing in so not many pictures of him (there was a great shot of Stacy wearing him on his back, standing in the pond fishing), but i had to get my fishing in when I could. Here are a few highlights....

I'm on the left and Rich (our host) is on the right

Rich and Victor (our hosts)

Stacy and I caught a few, however we are avid catch and releasers, plus we didn't have any of decent size anyway :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

6 Months!

We're at the half year point!! He had some more shots today, and his regular check up/weight in. The dr. still says he's off the charts, and still looks good weight to length.

21 lbs. 9.9 oz
29 inches

We are leaving friday for our fishing trip, i'll post pictures for that when we get home Sunday.

Standing on his own...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Nice weekend...

We went up to Big Bear this weekend and spent an extra day for my Birthday. We did a lot of cleaning Saturday and some mild updates on the house (replaced a few faucets, and organized our closet), but Sunday (my birthday) we went out for a short walk w/ our new little baby backpack. Jay just loves being up there, and was having so much fun!

Along our walk I saw something off in the water...then i saw it start to move, so we sat and watched it for a second till we realized it was a pretty big catfish. The largest one in the pod was probably about 5lbs, and the other 5 were around 1ish or so. After watching the first pod eating right below the surface of the water, we started seeing more pods with probably about 5-6 fish in each, and all doing the same thing (i think we saw about 5 pods in total all eating at once). I had never seen anything like that before so we got the best pictures we could. In the picture below there is the one big one, and i think 4 smaller ones.

He's still getting used to sleeping in another bed besides ours, but hopefully he gets more used to big bear. The drive up has always been ok, but the last few times we went up it seems like the drive back home has been causing problems. Or maybe he just doesn't want to leave....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Short clips

Here is a small compilation of fun stuff Jay has done over the last few weeks. Raspberries and laughing are the main attraction here....Coming up next will have to be video of him pulling himself up to standing by himself, and staying there without help for a few seconds, which he did for the first time on Sunday. He was doing raspberries a lot for awhile, but for some reason has stopped that and moved on to screaming.

Sound is required for full appreciation.

Monday, September 8, 2008

First game of the season..

Rams played yesterday and Jay got to watch the game with his daddy, unfortunately it was a bad game and they lost horribly. Oh well, maybe next week...

Friday, September 5, 2008

Growing so fast...

Jay's next dr's check up/shots appointment isn't until the 22nd, but I think he's already over 22lbs. He's already wearing and fitting nicely in 12mo. old clothes (he's not even 6 mo yet!), and all the 9 mo stuff is getting too tight for him. At the end of this month is going to be his first real vacation (i don't consider Big Bear vacation since we own it :P), and he'll be going on his first fishing trip!!